Tag Archives: Nokia Lumia 1020

Sony Xperia Z3 vs Nokia Lumia 1020: The Gold Standard Test

By Rich W Woods

The Sony Xperia Z3v is has come to Verizon this week and the Sony Xperia Z3 is coming to T-Mobile on October 29, so as always, we compare the camera to all of its competing cameras.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 is the gold standard of smart phone cameras. It has a 41 MP Pureview camera with a Carl Zeiss lens, a real xenon flash, and support for taking RAW photos. While the Nokia Lumia 1020 was released almost a year and a half ago in July, 2013, it is one of few smart phones released that long ago that remain relevant.

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Samsung Galaxy Note 4 vs Nokia Lumia 1020 Camera Comparison: The Gold Standard Test

By Rich W Woods

Last week, the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 was released on all of the major carriers. Although the device itself isn’t the best device around, the camera is fantastic, as is with all Samsung devices. When you get a device with a great camera, the next logical step is to compare it to the Nokia Lumia 1020.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 is widely renowned as the best smart phone camera. It has a 41 MP camera, RAW support and a real xenon flash. It is a Pureview camera with a Carl Zeiss lens. It’s just great.

So far I have compared the camera of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 to the Sony Xperia Z3, iPhone 6 Plus, and the OnePlus One. The scope of this comparison will be the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and the Nokia Lumia 1020.

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Nokia Lumia 635 vs Nokia Lumia 1020 Camera Comparison: The Results May Surprise You

By Rich W Woods

Ever since Nokia sent me a Nokia Lumia 635 to review, I’ve been itching to compare it to the Nokia Lumia 1020. After all, 90% of the time, when you are looking at a photo from a Nokia Lumia 1020, it’s a 5 MP photo. This will be a comparison to see if the 5 MP photo from the Nokia Lumia 635 can stand up to the Nokia Lumia 1020.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 has three settings: 5 MP JPEG, 5 MP JPEG and 35 MP JPEG, and 5 MP JPEG and 35 MP DNG. The 35 MP photo will be 38 MP if the user changes the aspect ratio to 4:3. On the first or the third setting, the user is only seeing a 5 MP photo unless he opens the DNG photo in Photoshop or another photo editing app. If the user shares a photo, it uses the low resolution photo. The only time it uses the high resolution photo is when the user zooms in on the image.

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OnePlus One vs Nokia Lumia 1020: Camera Comparison

By Rich W Woods

As a very proud OnePlus One owner, I spend a good amount of time in the OnePlus forums. We are an eccentric group. In fact, if there is one group that is the most enthusiastic about the phone they own, it’s OnePlus One owners, probably because we had to work so hard to get it.

Then again, the Nokia Lumia 1020 is a cult classic. If there could be a group that is more emphatic about their phones as the OnePlus One, it is Nokia Lumia 1020 owners.

As you can probably imagine, I have been spending a lot of time over the past few weeks reviewing the Moto X, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus. I compared the Moto X to the OnePlus One, iPhone 6, Nokia Lumia 1020, and HTC One M8. I compared the iPhone 6 Plus to the iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, Moto X, OnePlus One, Nokia Lumia 1020, and HTC One M8.

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Moto X vs Nokia Lumia 1020: Camera Review

By Rich W Woods

The Moto X is going to be the best Android phone released this year. the original Moto X had lots of great features with a mid range processor. This year, the Moto X uses a 2.5 GHz Snapdragon 801 processor, they jacked up the camera from 10 MP to 13 MP, and they upgraded from a 4.7″ 720p display to a 5.2″ 1080p display.

So being that the Moto X will be the best Android phone to be released during 2014, it is only fair to see how it measures up to its competitors. We will compare the camera of the Moto X to the camera on the Nokia Lumia 1020, iPhone 6, HTC One M8, and OnePlus One. This will focus on the Nokia Lumia 1020.

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